March 22nd, Lent 4 Service

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

We are near the end of our first week in semi-isolation, and life is looking very different, isn’t it? All the more reason to remind ourselves that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

This morning David, myself, Jason, and a few choir members joined together at the church to film a very short service for tomorrow, Lent 4/Mothering Sunday. 

A large thank-you to David and Jason who, in addition to playing the organ and filming, provided the tech support for this video.

While the church doors are closed, please know that our life and ministry continue. Pastoral care is being provided online as well as by phone, the Lay Officers of the church are busy planning for a very different sort of AGM, the bells are being rung in solidarity, and finish work continues in the Vestry. A huge, HUGE thank-you to the many people working to keep things running as much as possible at this time!!

Do take care of yourselves and one another during this time, as well as your neighbour. Now is the time for us to show in word and deed what the love of Christ means.

God bless you all,


The direct link to this service is here: