Services in December

St. Mary’s is holding in-person services in December, within safety regulations set out by the RIVM. Sunday morning services are offered in-person at 10:30, and all services livestreamed on our YouTube channel (St. Mary’s Rotterdam). ALL SERVICES REQUIRE PREREGISTRATION due to spacing requirements. Simply email to register.

Our Lessons & Carols service will be held on the 12th, with a slightly shorter program and at an earlier time (16:00). We are hoping to hold an in-person service on Christmas Eve, probably at 20:00, but are waiting to make a final decision following any change in the guidelines in the press conference scheduled for Dec. 14th. Check back for the most up-to-date information after that!

Currently there is a Christmas Day service scheduled for 10:30 (not livestreamed; a separate devotional will be pre-recorded). Sunday the 26th will not have an in-person service, but rather a pre-recorded devotion for the day on the YouTube channel.

We hope you are able to join us for at least one of these services!!